Wish for power

Power and ego are crucial part in any organization, in fact, crucial in any human relation. Power is a strong desire that some psychologist will connect to our childhood and how our needs were…


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My Struggles as a Level One Coder

When I first dove into learning coding, specifically HTML, I struggled with remember what a div was, or <div>. And then with CSS, I couldn’t tell the difference in properties between “font-family: — ” and “font: — ”. But now, I think I understand.

I first wasn’t sure what a div was. I thought it meant divider, but I was a bit off. A div acts as a sort of “container” for a section of content within your HTML document. I remember thinking, why don’t I just use <p> </p> for different sections of the document, but that confines you to creating new paragraphs whereas a div can create different sections within a site, each with different properties.

When I first got into CSS, I noticed that there were times when “font-family” would be used and when “font” was used. I wasn’t sure of the difference, but then came to find out that “font-family” is the collection of font styles within a font family. For example, within the font family of Times New Roman, there is Times New Roman italicized, bold, etc. The “Font” property can be used in CSS to set all the font properties in one line of code.

For example, this is what the code would look like for the font property:

font: 15px helvetica, sans-serif;

This is what the code would look like for the font-family property:

font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times, serif;

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