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Disorganized but Crushing It

Today was interesting because I did not stick to my routine in the order that I normally do, yet I still accomplished it all.

I woke up later than I wanted to and decided to start laundry and meditate. Then I did a little reading, but instead of writing thereafter, I chose to run first. I had some duties that needed to be done and were somewhat time sensitive so I tackled those first.

I was incredibly sore the day before and took the day off because of that as well as I had a doctor’s appointment that messed with my running time. However, since I was sore as hell I decided to rest and pick it up again today. I was still pretty sore but I did not want to make excuses since I got a day of rest, so I knew it would be best to be done early. Besides, I knew it would get my heart and endorphins racing so that I would be in better spirits when I started my writing. I didn’t get much sleep the day before and went to bed late last night so I was trying to be strategic and get the most productivity out of my late started day.

So after I ran and handled some responsibilities I showered then got to work on writing my first 1,000 words of the day. It was not as bad or a struggle and I was happy for it, but then I took a break.

I hung out with my fam and ran some errands. Then when I got home I finished up my last 1,000 words and now this blog post.

So, even though I was completely out of whack and disorganized I still managed to get what I needed done. I’m still managing to crush my goals because I am consistently working toward them.

Slow but steady.

I’m proud of another wonderful day and only hope I can wake up early like usual so I can stick to my routine. But I know that I can go with the flow and wing it if I have to without losing focus or motivation.

My “why” must be coming more apparent because my writing routine is suddenly becoming a must like Tony Robbins is always saying. This “must” means that no matter what happens in your day, you make the time to do the things that you want to accomplish.

It used to be like pulling teeth for me to want to sit down and tackle the task of writing. It was so much of a hassle, in fact, that I started by only writing a paragraph a day. Now I not only am on to 2,000 words but I am also feeling incomplete if I do not accomplish everything scheduled in my routine.

And when I don’t feel motivated I immediately look within myself to make myself become motivated. Sometimes it is a playlist, and other times it is me watching an inspiring movie like Rocky. Sometimes it’s shouting affirmations and using power poses, while other times I get lost in a daydream and picture the future I want to have and focus on how good that makes me feel.

My number one favorite way to become motivated again by far is still YouTube videos of writers I admire.

It’s a crazy feeling!

As I always say, I have a long way to go in this journey but I am always proud of the small progress I make. It makes me feel as though I am a rockstar and it pushes me to want to write in the absolute best way I can.

The first tasks are going to be getting out my first million words as well as getting my 10,000 hours in of writing time. I’m far from these goals but I know I’ll get there.

As long as I remain consistent, persistent, and work on it daily, I know I will get to the destination I desire.

I’m blessed to be where I am in this moment and I am so grateful to be alive. I know things are going to keep getting better because I’m going to keep working, hustling, and crushing it on my own terms.

Hope y’all are crushing it as well. You deserve to be happy and have some fun too! Let’s shut our mouths, put our heads down and work until our dreams are our reality.

We got this!

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